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It’s Time for Your Adult ADHD Diagnosis to Stop Wreaking Havoc on Your Life

Move Past the Diagnosis and the Label, and Take the Wheel of Your Unique Wiring

It’s Time for Your Adult ADHD Diagnosis to Stop Wreaking Havoc on Your Life

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Cathy Rashidian, member of ICF, PCC Certified, ADDCA Faculty, IPEC Certified, PAAC Credentialed, member of ADDA
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When Your ADHD is out of control, it’s chaos.

  • All the projects and exciting initiatives you took on become an overwhelming pressure cooker of “to-do” that you can’t possibly imagine getting done . . . never mind getting them done to your high standards.
  • For a second you were on top of everything, feeling great . . . and then BLAM! You’re behind the 8 ball again, spiraling into discouragement, frustration, and the despair of wondering if you’re ever going to be consistent with your energy and performance.
  • You’re a really good person who loves what you do, but when those crashes come, you find yourself being manipulative and even lying or twisting reality just to survive because you’re in way over your head.
  • The people you work with seem to be able to handle the stress of projects going sideways and overwhelming task lists without the emotional turmoil. (The people you work with and live with will thank you for bringing peace to their lives!)
  • You’re living in reaction mode to other people’s projects and demands and rarely getting to create from your own genius or vision.

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You’re fed up with being at war with your ADHD and ready for deep change.

During my coaching engagement, we work together intensively to get you out of the ditch and into the driver’s seat of success on your terms. With dynamic and flexible tools, and accountability to make sure you’re rocking to the next level, you can have confidence your progress doesn’t have an expiration date. As part of the Ready. Set. Choose. Family, we empower your momentum for life so you can adapt and rise to every occasion!

Recommended for those who have worked with a coach/mentor before but the ADHD lens was missing. 

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The truth is the ADHD brain is like a Lamborghini. It’s powerful. It makes connections that others can’t. It’s speedy and attracts tons of admiration.

But . . . that gorgeous Lamborghini can be dangerous if you don’t know how to drive it. 

If you don’t know how to downshift. 

If you’re not familiar with that rear-wheel drive and precision steering, you’re speeding along, exhilarated, then the next thing you know . . . 
You’re in a ditch on the side of the road wondering WTF happened there (and, let’s face it, probably beating yourself up a little bit, too.)

Starter Kit - ADHD in the workplace

Kickstart your ADHD management journey with our comprehensive, self-guided learning kit.

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Quantum Thinkers' Community

Join peers to explore ADHD strategies and solutions to integrate at work, in supportive group coaching sessions.

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Executive Coaching

Receive tailored guidance and personalized strategies in one-on-one coaching sessions.

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Supporting Team Members with ADHD

Empower your team with ADHD awareness and management techniques through our specialized leadership program.

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Mentor Coaching 

Supporting coaches who are working towards their ICF credentials such as ACC or PCC or Credentialing through PAAC. Please book a discovery call to discuss options and fees for Individual or Group Mentor coaching. 

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Client Experience

"Before working with Cathy I was living in reaction to other people's projects, steering other people’s ships and not prioritizing or creating from my own genius or vision! Coaching has helped me recognize the differences between my brain wiring (machine) and the (mind). I have learned about my unique brain and sharing that with my loved ones to understand me better which has been incredible and made life flow easier. This journey has been unbelievably valuable and transformative." 

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My emails to you will be short, sweet, to the point, and infrequent. Like it should be! When I do send emails, it will contain:

  • Link to new episodes from my podcast Proudly ADHD
  •  Uber-curated ADHD resources I'm excited about to help you on your journey
  • Invites to talks on ADHD in the workplace   

We respect your privacy. We do not share your information with anyone else.

Coach Cathy is a proud member of, ICF (PCC) , ADD Coach Academy, IPEC, ADDA and PAAC

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